Bampton Day of Dance 2002

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"Lumps of Plum Pudding" from Bampton

This year Bampton's big day coincided with the Queen's Goldren Jubilee celebrations , an event whuch members of of Adderbury had been marking earlier in the day, in the rain. By the rime the evening came the weather had cleared up and we were treated to a gloriously sunny stroll round Bampton in the company of Matt Green's team and Kirtlington.

Strarting off at the elephant we had a strong side to begin with our traditional starter, "Sweet Jenny Jones.

Wending our way through the village we fetched up at the Morris Clown where we danced on a coned off section of road; Bampton 'shave their donkey'...

whilst Adderbury launch into a lively "Princess Royal" under the able command of Tim 'Steady' Laughton

Proceedings drew to an end just up the road outside the now defunct pub the former Jubilee with all the musicians joining to play for Bampton to dance to "Speed the Plough".